Chinese takeout is great, yeah. But when you can make your very own Just Like Takeout Chicken Lo Mein at home without putting a bra on or leaving the house, well then why would you? REALLY?
Chicken Lo Mein is by far my fave Chinese food dish. I’ve tried a few DIY Chicky Lo Mein recipes and they’ve been good, but not quite to my liking. It was fate when 1) I saw this recipe for Garlic Beef Noodles on Tasty and 2) beef I bought for said noodle dish looked gray when I went to make it. But the chicken I had in the fridge did not look gray – it looked perfect – and it looked like it wanted me to make it into fabulously easy and delicious homemade Chicken Lo Mein. So I said “Awriiight, Chicken – let’s do this”.
And we did it.
Things that I think are key in this Just Like Takeout Chicken Lo Mein recipe to make it taste just like takeout are:
1) BUTTER. Yes. Butter. You don’t think that grease on the bag came from the carrots, did ya?
2) Didn’t use any ginger at all (most other recipes I’ve tried all use ginger)
3) Use Lo Mein egg noodles – just like they use at a legit Chinese Food restaurant. Other recipes I’ve tried call for spaghetti or linguini. It’s not ITALIAN food peeps – its CHINESE food! C’monnnnn! You can find them at most grocery stores.

So take that bra off, put down the phone and tuck that takeout menu back in that drawer – cuz’ you’re only about 1/2 hour and a few simple ingredients away from your very own freshly made Just Like Takeout Chicken Lo Mein. No tricky, white box needed 🙂

Just Like Takeout Chicken Lo Mein
2016-08-24 19:24:44

Quick and easy Chicken Lo Mein that tastes like it's right out of the box
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 5 tablespoons sesame oil, separated
- 3 chopped scallions (green and white parts)
- 2 garlic cloves minced
- 1 lb thin chicken breast, cut into strips
- 1 cup shredded carrots
- 1 cup shredded cabbage
- 1 large red pepper, sliced thin
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce, separated
- 12oz Lo Mein egg noodles
- In a wok or large skillet, heat 4 tablespoons of butter and 4 tablespoons of the sesame oil. Add the scallions, garlic and chicken, stirring the chicken until it's no longer pink on the outside (it doesn't have to be cooked all the way through).
- Add your veggies, brown sugar and 2 tablespoons soy sauce. Stir the veggies until they become tender and the chicken is cooked through (about 10 minutes).
- While your veggies and chicken are cooking, cook your egg noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove from water, strain, and rinse with cold water to stop cooking. Set them aside.
- In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tablespoons soy sauce and 1 tablespoon sesame oil. Add your cooked egg noodles and sesame oil/soy sauce mixture and toss to combine. Cook noodles and veggie/chicken mix for an additional 3-5 minutes allowing the noodles to soak up the sauce.
- You can really use any veggies you like in this! I just happened to have all these in the house, but chock it up with as many as you'd like
And They Cooked Happily Ever After